The PTO Newcomers Committee is here to welcome you and your family to Ponte Vedra High School. We would like to answer any questions you may have in preparation for your first day of school. Please refer to the school website for the most up to date school news and information:


First and foremost, we would LOVE students and parents/guardians to attend our New Family Gathering at Trasca on Tuesday, August 6th from 6:00-8:00 pm. We will meet at this restaurant located in Sawgrass Village, and families may purchase refreshments or just gather to get to know some PTO members and other new families.


Here is a small cheat sheet/check list of items of importance we think may be helpful for you and your student:

There is only ONE way in and out of the parking lot at PVHS. Therefore, it is very helpful for students who are able to ride a bus to ride their bus to and from school every day. A student will NEVER be marked tardy if he/she arrives to school late due to a SJCSD bus being delayed.

Please allow a LOT of extra time to drive to school the first few weeks of school if your student plans to arrive via car. Again, there is only one way in and out of the parking lot and traffic is especially substantial the few weeks of school.

Students often find it helpful to keep a picture of their schedules on their phones so the schedule is easily accessible the first few days of school.

Sign up for Shark Bytes which is our weekly school newsletter. You are able to sign up for Shark Bytes directly from the school web site.

Consider joining PVHS PTO! ALL funds collected go directly back to our school and teachers. You do not need to commit to volunteering any time when you sign up at

Look out for FREE New Student Lunches that the PTO will host the first week of school. These lunches will be offered to all new students during all lunch periods. They will take place in the Media Center. These lunches are a lot of fun and take the stress out of


navigating lunch lines and seats the first couple days. Students have enjoyed meeting others at these gatherings in the past. We will serve sandwiches, chicken fingers or other typical lunch foods. Students are welcome to bring their own lunches as well.


We look forward to meeting our new 9th grade families at Freshman Fest on Thursday, August 1st (8:00-12:00) for students and parents/guardians at 11:00) and our new 10th, 11th and 12th grade students and parents/guardians at Freshman Fest at 11:00.


We are here to help you make the school year a success! Please contact our Newcomers Chairs if you have any questions: Ashley Drew or Ashley Hilley