Welcome back to PVHS Shark Families!
We are so excited to begin the 2023-2024 school year, but we would first like to thank you for your generosity to the PTO last year. Your donations enabled us to focus on supporting our teachers and staff as well as provide activities and events for our students.
For the upcoming school year, we will continue to focus on teacher support in addition to engaging with our Shark families and working with student leadership. We will assist and support our guidance department with mental health as well college preparedness for our students. We will also continue to help our new families assimilate into our Shark community.
We cannot do this important work without your help! The following link pvhspto.com will take you to our Membership page where you are able to join and submit payment in a few easy steps. Each family who joins PTO by August 25 will be entered to win an amazing item for our students! We will be giving away TWO PREMIER PARKING SPOTS in the faculty/visitor lot for the 2023-2024 school year. Please note this will be a random selection and will not be based on the amount of the donation.
We are looking forward to a great year - we hope you will join us in supporting our amazing school!
Elizabeth Alford
President, PVHS PTO